بحث مخصص

السبت، 25 ديسمبر 2010

بـسم الله الرحمـن الرحيـم
calm down - become calm
cheer up - become cheerful
come across - find accidentally
come along with - make progress
come by - find accidentally
come down with - become ill with
come out with - utter; produce
come up with - utter; produce
came about - happen
come along - accompany; make progress
come back - return
come by - visit someone in his home
come out - appear; make a social debut
come over - come to someone's house
come through - succeed
come to - regain consciousness
leave out - omit
look on - be a spectator
look after - take care of
look back on - remember nostalgically
look down on - feel superior to
look forward to - anticipate
look up to - respect; admire
go back - return
go off - explode
go on - happen; continue
go out - stop burning; leave one's residence
go over - go; succeed
go back on - desert; fail to keep (a promise)
go for - like a great deal
go in for - be interested in; participate in
go on with - continue
go over - review
go with - harmonize with; look pleasing together
go without - abstain from
get across - cause to be understood
get ahead of - surpass; beat
get around - evade; avoid
get away with - do without being caught or punished
get by with - manage with a minimum of effort
get down to - become serious about; consider
get in - enter (a vehicle)
get off - descend from; leave
get on - enter (a vehicle); mount
get on with - proceed with
get through with - terminate, finish
get ahead - make progress
get along - have a friendly relationship
get around - circulate; move about
get away - escape
get by - manage
get in - enter
get off - descend from leave
get on - enter (a vehicle); mount (a horse, etc.)
get on/along - progress; be compatible
get up - rise
get through - finish
turn out - produce; force into exile, extinguish (a light)
turn into - become
turn around - turn so that one is facing another direction
turn in - go to bed
turn out - succeed; come; appear, as at a public meeting
turn up - arrive; be found unexpectedly
die away - fade; diminish
die down - fade; diminish
die off/out - disappear; become extinct
put up with - tolerate
put off - postpone
put on - dress in; deceive or fool
put up - preserve (food); receive as an overnight guest

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